Want to support us?
The Old Trout Puppet Workshop is a peculiar and wondrous and fragile thing that struggles to exist against great odds -- like, say, a very small flower in a nasty place full of rocks and cruel wind. Except that a very small flower needs sun and a little water now and then whereas the Old Trout Puppet Workshop needs, well, money.
You might ask yourself: "Well, what do I get for my money?". We've thought about that, because it's a hard question. We said to ourselves: "Who are we? What can we offer? What are we good at?" That's when inspiration took over and we realized that we have a cool name, we make pretty good puppet shows and we're great at drinking coffee.
So, for your gracious support, here's the value-exchange proposition we offer:
1. You get to "Be a Trout" alongside us in our quest to reimagine the art of puppetry.
2. You are bestowed with a fancy fish name, listed on our website, without the hassle or embarrassment of an initiation ritual.
3. Aaaannndd you also get a slip of paper that might keep the tax collector away.
We'd be ever so grateful for your support. Every little bit counts.
In case you were wondering, The Old Trout Workshop is a registered non profit organization (BN:867021529RR0001). Donations are processed through Canada Helps, a public charitable foundation providing a donation portal to 80,000 Canadian charities. To make a safe, secure on-line donation, please click on the conveniently located Canada Helps logo, and they will send you a tax receipt.
If you have any questions please send us an email or give us a call: 403-508-4929

Here's a handy online way to donate if you don't feel like sending actual cash:
Our Trout Family 2023 - 2024
Many thanks to the following fine people for their donations made between Sept 1, 2023 and Aug 31, 2024. Click that CanadaHelps link if you'd like to see your name up here next year!
Rainbow Trouts ($500+)
Paul Beique
Grant Burns
Hugh Thomas
Anonymous - via the Edmonton Community Foundation
Bull Trouts ($250 - $499)
​Lara King
Duval Lang
Chris Manderson
Adriana Van Der Heijden
Brigitte von Rothemberg
Speckled Trouts ($100 - $249)
George Campbell
Leanne Duke
Brook Trouts ($50 - $99)
Ruoh-Yeng Chang
John Laurence
Donors in 2024-25
Here is a list of friends, new and old, who've supported us so far in 24/25. In September 2025 these names will be sorted into Trout Groups like the ones above, but for now we wanted to make sure they were acknowledged. This list will be updated every 60 days, next update is coming March 30
Anonymous, via the Edmonton Community Foundation
​Mark Bosco
Grant Burns
Calgary Foundation
The Chawkers Foundation
Leanne Duke
Galvin Family Fund, at the Calgary Foundation
Jackman Foundation
Dahlia Katz
Lara King
Duval Lang
Chris Manderson
Stephanie Mogensen
Marilyn Palmer, for Philippe
Ewa Piorko
Jacqueline Pyke
Hugh Thomas
Judy Ueda​​​
Brigitte von Rothemburg